Chat gpt
I asked chat gpt to write a poem about the peeps on the Brit chat message board, I think it came up with something better than I could!! Disclosure - I just picked peeps who are on the forum a lot, so sorry if I missed anyone out On the Brit Tennis message board, A community of fans, online and on board. From J...
Elegant Point
As one gets older ...
An evening in Edinburgh ... Do my shopping at the local Sainsburys a couple of miles away. Get on direct bus home. Realise I have left my phone on bench. Stop bus at lights and walk back and collect phone. Next bus in an hour and pissing down. What next? Ahh, bus due soon at nearby stop and I can get connecti...
Corona Virus Linked Funny Tweets
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Bob in Spain
Merry Christmas
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Dear All, Merry Christmas. Thanks for all the knowledge and discussion. For the coming year, may all your storms be weathered; and all thats good, get better. Regards, insomniacfolder
Unprovoked violence on women by women
I am shocked and appalled at the unprovoked attack on my daughter and her friend last night, by another woman. So my daughter went with a friend to a gig at Alexandra Palace, whilst waiting for the event to start she was shoved in the back by a woman so turned round and politely asked her to stop shoving....
Elegant Point
Good news
Everything but the Girl are releasing a new album, in spring 2023! one of my favourite bands ever. now just need Prefab Sprout and Lloyd Cole to release and tour and I can die a happy man!
JonH comes home
I'm gonna be on TV
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In case anyone's ever wondered what I look like in the flesh (not that you're missing much, as Phil, Paulisi and Julia can testify) there'll soon be a chance to find out. Barring any schedule changes I'll be appearing on Eggheads on Tuesday 5th January, 6pm on BBC2. I'm part of a team named Quiz Family Ro...
Next Prime Minister
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Time for a vote. Who will be the next PM. Note: this is 'who will be' not 'who do you think should be. I know Hunt has already ruled himself out, but given the current Tory Party record on rapid U-turns, I thought I would leave him in there anyway. I have put a 5 day limit on the vote as they have said that we wil...
Bob in Spain
The Queen
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I am sure we have mixed views on here regarding the Monarchy however I felt it right to pay respect to our Queen. With her reign being so exceptional long, her time on the throne has encompassed so many changes in the fabric of our country. During these decades, I feel she represented many qualities th...
Harry Gration RIP
I was so sad to hear this news today that Harry has died. For those of you not from Yorkshire, you may never have heard of Harry. He was a presenter of Look North for many years but also had a presence on many broadcasting programmes, many for charity and across many sports incl Rugby League. I remember see...
JonH comes home
Perseid meteor shower
For night owls One of the biggest annual displays of 'shooting stars' is to peak later this week. The is one of the most well-known astronomical events and the best time to see it will be between Thursday, August 11, and Saturday, August 13. It will be most active between midnight and 5.30am and accordi...
New tennis app
I recommend a new tennis app for you guys! You can find tennis partners in your town or other place. I think it is better than any other service on market TENNISURF
Andy Murray and the Dunblane massacre
I've always known that Andy went to the school where the massacre took place, but I didnt' know if or how much he was involved in the tragedy. Decided to look it up today: Murray was a former pupil of Dunblane Primary School between 1992 to 1999. He was eight years old and in Primary Three when the Dunblane...
Solar System
For those interested in Astronomy, there is an amazing alignment of the planets in the solar system at the moment that can be seen in the morning sky. This photo was taken this morning in the South east sky at around 06.20 hours. It's at times like this, I wish I had a better camera and knew how to use it LOL...
Bob in Spain
Calories on Menus
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New rules requiring calories to be displayed on menus comes into force today. IMO this is so pointless- all calories are not created equal! The calories from a chocolate brownie arent the same as calories from a bean burger with sweet potato chips.
Elegant Point
P&O Ferries
Note to self - make sure to never book with P&O again when taking a ferry, or to use any of DP World's companies if at all possible. Outrageous behaviour - the way not to manage. PR disaster
JonH comes home
Yorkshire Cricket Racism Scandal
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Watching Azeem Rafiq and his evidence to the MP's today - what a fine, articulate and creditable man, I felt emotionally moved listening to him talk and give his testimony. I hope this causes real action to be taken - I imagine it will start with a number of careers being damaged (Vaughan, David Lloyd,...
JonH comes home
Patisserie Valerie
I jokingly made reference to Luke Johnson and Patisserie Valerie elsewhere, his name sake of course was chairman , I believe. Its a few years since they collapsed with a massive hole in their accounts, does anyone know where that investigation got to and what happened?
JonH comes home
The redrawing of UK political map
With all of this talk of the labour red wall falling down, in 2019 general election, and the Hartlepool by-election win for the Tories was the latest example of this. Are we really surprised. Populist leaders, like Trump, Le Pen and also Boris, appeal to the lowest common denominator, as they are tak...
for those of you interested, the BAFTAs continue tonight. Leslie Odom jr sang a song from his film last night and tonight he is singing again, this time a duet with Corinne Bailey Rae. Corinne is fab, I am big fan, and she is a lovely person! She happens to be married to my next door neighbour or more precis...
JonH comes home
Gas Installation
As I alluded to in one of the threads, I have had a problem with a gas installation company here, so I thought I would amuse you all with my little "tale of woe". It started about 2 years ago. Natural gas is a new phenomenon in many places in Spain with most people using bottled gas. But the pipes were being b...
Bob in Spain
Myanmar coup
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-asia-55909408 capturing on video more than you planned!
JonH comes home
How tennis saved Sam Jalloh's life...
Hello hello I'm a newbie - hope all is good with you. I'm a full time tennis coach in a village near Derby - I can't work during lockdown so have really focused in on podcasting to keep positive! Last week I spoke to a remarkable man called Sam Jalloh. Sam grew up in Sierra Leone during the Civil War - he went t...
Yes Minister
Or in this case, "Yes Shadow Minister". Just wanted to recognise on this board that one of our regular members - Topemp - has been appointed Shadow Minister for Apprenticeships and Lifelong Learning as part Kier Starmers new Labour opposition team. Congratulations Toby. Thoroughly deserved.
Bob in Spain
Sean Connery
Truly sad to report that the best James Bond that ever was, has passed away today at the age of 90. RIP Sir Sean Connery.
Bob in Spain