I half caught an item on BBC Breakfast this morning about a scheme to get sponsorship for sports people - future Olympians perhaps. I think it has been set up by the 2 Sarah's of gold medal sailing fame and is about buying pixels on a website set up for the person requiring sponsorship. I wasn't paying my whole attention to it at the time but wondered if it would be of use to tennis players. I can't find anything about it now and having emailed the BBC for information, I got the following automated reply -
If you are looking for something you have seen on the programme, such as web addresses, phone numbers, book details, go to the Breakfast website bbc.co.uk/breakfastand click on 'Today's Information' in the top right corner. This page is updated every day, with the most recent entry at the top of the page. -----
I still can't find anything but if anyone else can, perhaps they would post if they think this scheme might be of benefit to our poorer players. I don't think it would bring in huge amounts but it does permit you to pay just one pound at a time so it might encourage donations from those who aren't able to give hundreds but would like to give something.
Apologies if I am completely wrong about this but thought it was worth a try.
OK, found a link now and it seems it's based on those aiming for the no 1 slot in the 2012 Olympics. However, if anyone was clever enough, they could always try a similar format as an individual, I suppose.
Too late - but I agree that it would be a good idea for tennis players. Money is such a consideration for some of these youngsters that a bit of extra sponsorship can make a huge difference.