Interesting draw
L32 : Jack Carpenter WR 748 v George Morgan WR 864
George leads the H2H 2-0, both back in 2009
The guys are playing together in the doubles and are seeded 3 against an Italian pair.
Just to confirm Bob's comment on the doubles:
R1: (3) Jack Carpenter & George Morgan WR 1363 vs Marco Bortollotti & Matteo Civarolo (ITA/ITA) UNR
FINAL: (3) Jack Carpenter / George Morgan WR 1357 beat (2) Andrei Ciumac / Mohamed Safwat (MDA/EGY) WR 1076 by 3 & 4
George: "didn't drop a set all week didn't lose serve all week and didn't lose a point all week"
I'm not sure about the last bit LOL - maybe he means they didn't face a break point all week! Impressive anyway
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