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British players you are following?

Speaking to the british tennis fans here


Which British players are you currently excited about or following keenly? And why? Junior players or senior.


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Ok, Skib - apart from saying 'all of them OBVIOUSLY!' (), the ones I have been following especially (and for various different reasons) are:

Josh WH
Josh Sapwell
Josh Paris
(in fact anyone named Josh!!!)
Ryan Storrie
Evan Hoyt
Enrique Vidal
Luke Oakley
Lloyd Glasspool

Freya Christie
Mirabelle Njoze
Serena Nash
Anna Brogan
Katie Boulter

There's probably quite a few others too - and I'm not counting under 16s or whatever . . . What about you ???


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I tend to find I follow more closely those whom I have met in person or have seen play live

Andy (not really met him though)
Alex W
Dan E
Dan S
Josh M
Jonny O'M
Neil P

and pretty much all of the doubles guys.

Clearly I support all the other Brits as well, but not perhaps to the same level

-- Edited by Bob in Spain on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 11:10:15 PM


Challenger qualifying

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All of them! But I guess more specifically

Cam Norrie
Andy Bettles
Josh Paris (new addition)



Tara Moore

Katy Dunne
Katie Boulter
Katie Swan

Don't really have any juniors to follow on the boys side though - maybe Moore/Clarke? Bit of a dearth there

-- Edited by The Knight on Friday 8th of May 2015 02:32:00 PM


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Generally follow them all, if to varying degrees, which is natural.

With the GB men, most excited about :

Andy - generally would be, and is the sportsman I most follow, though his renewed good form excites further.

Kyle - the best prospect after Andy for being a really top player. I expect him to be top 50 and could be top 20.

Liam - clearly our other main young propect on the men's side. Much less sure about him, but his progress last year excited and I hope for much more.

Marcus - an enigma, should already be comfortably in the top 300 and appears to have an oncourt personality that would enhance a higher level and he writes well about his tennis, often wittily and at times self deprecatingly. How much does he want it and it and how much is he prepared to sacrifice?

Evo - can't still help it and has such talent and can be a great watch. But, wow ...

Cameron - what he showed in a fairly limited time before college does excite re the player that may leave college.

Farris - similarish to Cameron, though for now to a lesser degree.

-- Edited by indiana on Friday 15th of May 2015 03:03:43 PM


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-- Edited by indiana on Friday 15th of May 2015 03:02:17 PM


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Turning to the women whose tennis excites me :

Heather - pretty much since her junior days, with the clear prospects she had. And the changes she has been introducing to make her game more agressive excite me more as to her potential top level, though for now can come with frustrations.

Laura - the one who for long time has most excited and often frustrated. The game, the game !!! What is her upper limit and how much does she want it? I think we will quite soon find out an awful lot more.

Katie Boulter - other than our top two ( when playing ) the young senior who most excites me re her level and potential to rise much further.

Katie Swan - so much talent and seemingly such a good head on her shoulders, and so early still in her story with so much still to unfold that she can't help but excite.

-- Edited by indiana on Friday 15th of May 2015 03:05:03 PM


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I find it rather hard to get excited about players I have never seen, and I only see them on tv or livestream these days. So:

Evo (though I could choke him at times)
Marcus W

I don't follow the women except Heather (and Laura, if she ever gets around to playing again).

Edit - and I'm starting to follow Aljaz.


-- Edited by Madeline on Friday 8th of May 2015 08:28:33 PM


Challenger qualifying

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indiana wrote:

Katie Swan - so much talent and seemingly such a good head on her shoulders, and so early still in her story with so much still to unfol that she can't help but excite.


A shout for a Wimbledon qwc? Good experience without the absolute glare that a main draw wc would bring


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Andy Murray
Aljaz Bedene
James Ward
Kyle Edmund
Liam Broady
Dan Cox
Josh Milton
Alex Ward
Marcus Willis
Farris Gosea (hoping he continues FT after college)
Dan Evans (tentatively)
Neil Pauffley

Heather Watson
Laura Robson (hopefully she comes back)
Jo Konta
Katy Dunne
Katie Boulter
Katie Swan


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Laura Robson (injured)
Eleanor Dean (injured)

Occasionally I get interested in Andy if he is in a semi or a final; I used to be a big Andy fan but lost interest after he won his first slam (this forum was originally "the Andy Murray Messageboard" before Sheddie started doing websites for Jamie Baker etc and the emphasis changed to british tennis). Liam when he was doing well last summer and autumn. Dan Evans during his hot spell. Naomi Broady sometimes.

Mostly I just check if Laura and Eleanor are still injured.

I suspect british players need to have top 100 potential for me to be interested (which doesn't explain why I sometimes follow Naomi Broady) and even that isn't always sufficient; no interest in Kyle, not really a Heather fan, minimal interest in James Ward. So many brits have had success at Futures level then peaked 200-250 in the years I've been a member of the forum that it doesn't excite me.


-- Edited by kundalini on Friday 15th of May 2015 01:53:43 PM


Challenger qualifying

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yes how did I forget Eleanor Dean! Serving 120mph serves at Wimbledon as a 14 year old...shame what's happened since



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Andy Murray is my fav British tennis player..


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Andy Murray: who wouldn't, in my opinion given the era he is playing in, his attitude to tennis and achievements are the best of any British tennis player of the modern era. Indeed I would say he is the British athlete to have had the biggest positive impact on his sport in my lifetime.

Kyle: Fantastic fun watching a youngster transition into a genuine ATP tour level tennis professional, a young man who appears to be loving the journey and whose attitude and application will make him the best he can be.

Wardy: I am fully emersed in his battle to become a genuine elite level ATP touring pro and his Davis cup exploits where his commitment to queen and country lift him to another level. In need of a Shakespearean tattoo, a bit of Henry IVth on his buttock to match his Ray Parlour is god tattoo on the other.

Liam Broady: Another exciting transition, again totally committed, grown up and taken control of his own career, really enjoyed his ITF battles last summer in the US and his transition to a competitive force on the Challenger circuit, a couple of steps away from becoming a genuine ATP touring professional, I sense he really wants it and I fully expect to see him regularly making grand slam DE with the odd run deeper and perhaps some ATP 250 finals in his mid to late 20s should be a great watch.

Brandon Klein: probably as talented as Kyle but hamstrung by his total lack of filtering capacity. Clearly has insight and it is a battle I hope he wins.

Bambo: would love to see him have a summer like Liam's last year, still young, still hopeful. Ideal beneficiary of any available commercial support for a couple of years.

Evo " Misolottavitch" has all the talent of Savo but needs to key into the attitudes of all those mentioned above, car crash stuff but still can't help rubber necking. Has the potential to be around GS DE with who knows a Savoesque strike (run would be a better metaphor but not if youve seen savo play) in a major tournament that nestles in the top corner bringing the house down.

Farris: let's see how he goes for 12 months

Cam : what's he doing in College? Hope he gets something g going when he leaves 

Boys "96 ers" I would love to see one or two break out and make top 30 juniors, unlikely but...  Here's hoping


Hev: up for it trying to be the best she can be

Laura: so young, I would love to see her comeback and have a career.

Cav: great to see her giving it a go, would be a great story if she can get to a level where she makes a living as a player.

Katie Swan: I see her as being in a similar position to Kyle a few years back. Already done enough to justify a move into the we ipr ranks at the end of this academic year. Really exciting prospect she should really enjoy having a full on tilt at the junior GS this year, i will enjoy watching it, I hope her success in Australian gives her the confidence to win a few first sets, it makes the whole business much easier!

Ali Collins and the next millennium:  very early days but wish them all well. 


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No idea how Aviva come up with its shortlist, but well done to Eden Silva, listed as one of Aviva's 'Women of the Future' nominees in the sports category (the only tennis player).

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