When you're playing an Argie - a Brit, that is - it's always for the Falkland islands - in their mind, that is.
Has the draw changed, it now has Ward down as playing the OAP clown from Dominican repl or wherever he is from. As for the other comment, I would be in favour of having a futures, Falklands F1, or maybe it would come under British futures. A nice indoor or grass court event.
When you're playing an Argie - a Brit, that is - it's always for the Falkland islands - in their mind, that is.
Has the draw changed, it now has Ward down as playing the OAP clown from Dominican repl or wherever he is from. As for the other comment, I would be in favour of having a futures, Falklands F1, or maybe it would come under British futures. A nice indoor or grass court event.
I really feel that this is a free swing for James. Nobody's expecting him to win, and rightly so given the surface and ranking gap. Hopefully he can become the second Ward to upset the odds today.
But Schwartzman refused to allow James to go quietly, giving Wardy 3 BPs with some poor shots. He saves all 3 though, Wardy spraying a couple of forehands well wide and long. Schwartzman has a game point but a lovely pass from James keeps him in it at deuce.