Andra has drawn a very short straw - even for a 25K - and only 5th seed.
Andra has barely won more than two games in her previous matches, has no ranking (naturally) and is not even Portuguese - to even have a play in the main draw of the Portuguese 25k is more than she could ever have realistically hoped for
This is the only hard court W25 in the world next week, and there is only one next week as well - in Australia (versus 3 and 4 for men respectively). Meanwhile, on w/b 10th October, there will be 8 in one week. The ITF needs to do something about its calendar.
I thought if Andra was to get a WC it would have been in the 25K in Leiria last week, which is where she is currently based although it wasn't held at her home club.
Katie needs to work on that serve - somethings gone wrong since Wimbledon. 8DF and only 6/26 points won on second serve. 68% of first serves won, so that isn't too bad.
(Not able to watch/look for a stream today, just looking at the stats)
L16:- Nagi Hanatani (JPN) / Yuriko Lily Miyazaki (GBR) CR723 (438+285) LOST TO Katarina Jokic (SRB) / Taylor Ng (USA) CR1122 (634+488) 6-2 (2)6-7 11-13
They led 7-1 and 8-4 in the MTB, but couldn't get over the line.
Katie needs to work on that serve - somethings gone wrong since Wimbledon. 8DF and only 6/26 points won on second serve. 68% of first serves won, so that isn't too bad.
(Not able to watch/look for a stream today, just looking at the stats)
Katie needs to work on that serve - somethings gone wrong since Wimbledon. 8DF and only 6/26 points won on second serve. 68% of first serves won, so that isn't too bad.
(Not able to watch/look for a stream today, just looking at the stats)
Pretty worrying result after clearly being out of sorts in US Open qualifying.