i am so far behind? i wonder why, i feel like i post a lot, and i have been here for ages. i reckon sheddi is knocking my post count down.
You joined in Oct 2005, but didn't login or start posting till nearly 6 months later ....plus your post count has a very strong positive correlation with Boggo's form
I love all these combinations shedman, shedboy, sheddie, shreddie, sheddi, sheedie (or seedy shedman) quite astonishing what variety you can get from desperate typing behind the boss' back
but why does sheddie get all the blame these days I leave you lot to your own devices on here for a week, come back and find revolution's in the air !
i have seen a few revolutinary films recently like v for vendtta and chikldren of men. i am also listning to the new NIN album which is very revolutionary.
sheddie is the oppresive regime. burn the kreosoat.
Count Zero - Creator of the Statistical Tennis Extrapolation & Verification ENtity or, as we like to call him, that steven.
No, my shed is metal. . .I only creosote the fence!
Sheddie isn't in his shed now, Zabaleta beat Phau and Sheddie does not have to spend a further 40 nights there. I must admit when I saw that promise I expected Zabaleta to fall over and have to retire - but David is safe this time!
i played on querrey and on devilder....later is starting zabaleta which i also played....so every information is welcome....when u manage to get it pls tell me.... :)