Don't waste time asking for scores this is not MTF - as soon as anyone knows the scores they post them here. As for live scores, just remember this is an LTA event.
I have not understood? You of that here philosophise??? I weigh day I sit pending where there are no results. I that to you in Great Britain should fly behind them?????????????
Sorry meant to mention slabbas result, delighted hopefully we will get some more good results tomorrow. Another 13 points for Flembo today as well, hopefully Ken and him can win at least another round. It must be frustrating that they win one match at a low ranking challenger and get more points than for winning a Futures title!
The english masta is speaking, tho is very good, the word order is awful,very simialar to a danish or swede speaking english for the 1st time, which makes me think he is using a translator of some sort possibly babblefish?