I'm hoping to be there at some point tomorrow, depends on how quickly I can collect a few hundred copies of the Yellow Pages as to whether I make it for the start of play.
lol i just realised this is Cumberland in London, i was getting mixed up with Northumberland and Cumbria and thinking it was far up north! the hotel for the players is even one of my uni's campuses
i might go later in the week then - Sheddie i pm'd you my number to receive any scores
PockyTastic are you going tomorrow ? I'm heading down, pm me if you are and want to meet up.
I see forecast for tomorrow is light showers, do you think they plan to put it all indoors ?
Sadly I can't go tomorrow The last I knew they hadn't seriously decided where they would move it, plus they weren't the tournament organisers and seemed just to be speculating more than anything - they had pretty good chat though