Depends. If they carried on playing after the stream went out, not one iota. On the other hand, if Mexico was at the vanguard of an alien invasion that began by blacking out all communications, one could see problems with their progression into the semi finals.
Group C GREAT BRITAIN (4) defeated INDIA 3-0 Kyle Edmund (GBR) d. Ramkumar Ramanathan (IND) 62 75 Luke Bambridge (GBR) d. Ronit Bisht (IND) 26 63 86 Kyle Edmund/Evan Hoyt (GBR) d. Arjun Kadhe/Ramkumar Ramanahan (IND) 76(7) 57 63
Really good experiance for the boys so far, and a very impressive scalp for luke over a player ranked in the 120's, and the only person ranked ahead of kyle younger than him (i think lol)
I still reckon aliens had something to do with it. I remember seeing a documentary about them fixing tennis tournaments when I was a kid. Monty something or other...
A valid tactic wold appear to be trying to get under their skin - ''They will need to be on top form against Canada, who struggled today after its No. 1 player Filip Peliwo was docked a total of two games for an audible obscenity and verbal abuse.''
A valid tactic wold appear to be trying to get under their skin - ''They will need to be on top form against Canada, who struggled today after its No. 1 player Filip Peliwo was docked a total of two games for an audible obscenity and verbal abuse.''
Juniors is much more exciting than seniors. Any idea when the semis are?
The fourth day of Junior Davis/Fed Cup is a reserve day for Round Robin matches, and if not required then they play some of the lower positional knock-outs, so that the semis and finals are scheduled for Saturday/Sunday. The Canadian no.2 Ed Nguyen didn't play singles in the final group match for some reason, but he was a thorn for Liam Broady, beating him in the Les Petits As final and the Orange Bowl semis (under 14).