Just noticed that the links button doesn't link to www.andymurray.com
shome mishtake shurely?
The new 'Aberdeen Cup' banner has been uploaded today.This is the official web site (below) banner and we have been granted permission to use it on this web site.www.aberdeencup.com
We are also currently attempting to get grab a word with Andy during the weekend and both David and I and trying to persuade them to do so.Keep you updated.
RobC wrote: can you not just disable them in Tools->Options->Multimedia->Show Pictures? (ie6)
nope its restricted at school.
Any ideas david? (peter?)
To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty
Oscar Wilde
imoen wrote: Loving the new banner!! I really hope you can get a word with Andy at some point Drew, would be great. What would you ask?
ultimateshedman wrote: We now have a new Christmas flavoured banner Great stuff Drew
johnnylad wrote:I didn't know Santa played tennis!