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RE: Training groups/Academies

That's a shift in LTA position I think if true. Historically quite a few of the top LTA players have completed their A-Levels. Katie O'Brien sat an A-Level on the morning of her Wimbledon debut.

Given they now have a guy who is effectively full time in managing and promoting Uni tennis both UK and US seems a very odd position.


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Twizzle wrote:

Cameron Norrie has gone back to New Zeland after a couple of months at the NTC apparently he didn't feel motivated and didn't like the set up /atmosphere. Halton tennis academy has a great set up, I can understand why Katy Dunne would rather train there than at the NTC.

Very interesting indeed. I presume he'll become a Kiwi again.

It appeared he was welcomed with open arms, and was integrated very quickly into the junior boys set-up, partnering mostly with Luke Bambridge. I can't imagine the problem was anything to do with the other boys, because on the surface they all seemed to get along, and there seemed to be some good banter. But I wonder if, despite his junior ranking being the highest among the Brits, he felt third or fourth among equals (behind Kyle, Luke, Jonny, Evan, Liam, etc).....being so far from home, where he would have always been the Star Pupil, and close to his friends.....demotivation or disillusionment always a possibility

But it's true that Cameron's results have simply not been very good almost from the moment he arrived.

How many people have reported stories about the NTC set up and atmosphere being wrong for so many kids. If you look at our youngsters, with the exception of Kyle are there ANY GB boys/men who have really kicked on after coming to NTC "full time", or put another way, how many seem to have gone backwards or stagnated whilst there............Ashley Hewitt, Liam Broady, George Morgan, James Marsalek, etc. Tara seems to have thrived with her second spell at the NTC (although I suspect it's as much to do with her attitude step-changing), but who are the other "students" or "alumnae" who were trained as kids and are based at NTC on the women's side who are obvious stars and have kicked-on?

Something simply doesn't smell right at the NTC.

-- Edited by korriban on Thursday 18th of July 2013 09:42:44 AM


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steven wrote:

So he's actually going back to NZ to train? When I saw his tweets about going home, I assumed it was just a case of going back to see his family for a couple of weeks.

Coup Droit: Assuming that by 'texts' you mean 'tweets' (since it would be a bit worrying if you had access to his texts LOL), could you be thinking about a different player? I haven't noticed him tweeting about a girl.


Yes, yes, i DID mean tweets - NO, I'm not hacking into his mobile phone records - promise!!!! I'll go and check - maybe I've got it all ar*e about face and have been following some other poor innocent guy's tweets . . .


10 mins later : well, on the good side, I've been following the correct Cameron Norrie; in the down side, I got him completely confused with my son's friend (similar name, though not THAT similar, really) who comes from NZ and DOES have a girl in tow, and issues relating. Pretty feeble, really, apologies to all concerned . .

PS STILL think he should have stuck it out for a little longer (Norrie, that is - well, AND my son's friend, for what it matters . . .)

-- Edited by Coup Droit on Thursday 18th of July 2013 11:26:06 AM



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Cameron Norrie has gone back to New Zeland after a couple of months at the NTC apparently he didn't feel motivated and didn't like the set up /atmosphere. Halton tennis academy has a great set up, I can understand why Katy Dunne would rather train there than at the NTC.


Hall of fame

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Twizzle wrote:

Cameron Norrie has gone back to New Zeland after a couple of months at the NTC apparently he didn't feel motivated and didn't like the set up /atmosphere. Halton tennis academy has a great set up, I can understand why Katy Dunne would rather train there than at the NTC.

That may well have far more to to do with a 17 year old guy moving half way around the world, quite literally, rather than anything being wrong with the NTC.



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I spoke to Cameron briefly just before he went back to New Zeland and the first thing I asked was about changing nationality again and he confirmed that he would stay playing for GB. It seemed clear to me that he got on very well with the other boys at the NTC but when he spoke about the NTC as a place to train it was clear he was not happy. He didn't go into too many details only to say he didn't feel motivated and the style of training wasn't for him.


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I don't know enough to really cast judgement on the NTC, although my gut tends to agree with Korriban - something doesn't smell great. And I didn't like various little things I saw at the Wimbly qualies. Although, again, that was just maybe a one-off - not really enough to give an informed opinion.

And, I also agree with RJA - a 17 year-old who suddenly ups sticks and crosses the world and changes all his surroundings/friends/trainers etc. etc. etc. is bound to feel a bit lost or homesick or whatever and it may well be that rather than any negative comment on the NTC. (Also, who's the girl he keeps texting about ? Where's she based ? Is that an issue ?).

But, net net, I don;t think Cameron's right to throw it all in after two months.

If you've researched your options and made a reasoned, informed decision, it's daft to chuck in the towel after two months - there's bound to be teething problems, for whatever reason. I think he should have given it a whole year (or, at the very least, 6 months).


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So he's actually going back to NZ to train? When I saw his tweets about going home, I assumed it was just a case of going back to see his family for a couple of weeks.

Coup Droit: Assuming that by 'texts' you mean 'tweets' (since it would be a bit worrying if you had access to his texts LOL), could you be thinking about a different player? I haven't noticed him tweeting about a girl.


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I don't think he has a problem with being away from home. He said he may look into going to college in the US in January .


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Some of the kids that go there don't fully appreciate how much work they are expected to put in and the level of professionalism that is expected from them.

Not saying it's the issue for Cameron at all, and certainly not for players like Katy who go on to do very well in another set-up working extremely hard, but there is no doubt that for some people it is a real shock to the system when they first go there.


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I may be reading this wrong but I do get the feeling that on the boys aside especially there really has been a big culture change in the way that young players are treated with a massive focus on hard work, grit and determination. Just read Martin Weston's tweets and you are left with the impression that the goal is to created hardened young warriors. All in all I support this approach but obviously it will not suit everybody.


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From a disgusting article in the Daily Mail after Katie lost to Kraijeck at Wimbledon 2007. And no, it's not tongue in cheek or a joke. Attitudes are thankfully changing

"O'Brien, you may recall, is famous for being double handed - playing Wimbledon with one and sitting exams with the other. That was three years ago when taking A levels in mathematics and French as well as competing (and losing, of course).

She was praised for her hard work and versatility when, of course, she should have been condemned for allowing education to get in the way of sport. Where exactly do maths and French fit into the requirements of a leading sports person when accountants can be employed to add up the millions and the common language is English?

You would never have found the likes of the adolescent Steve Redgrave, Wayne Rooney or Ricky Hatton, to name but a few, anywhere near a pen and paper and invigilator.

That's the trouble with our young women tennis players. They are too brainy. Too interested in improving themselves when all they should be concerned with is improving their serve, backhand or conditioning."

-- Edited by PaulM on Tuesday 23rd of July 2013 08:37:37 PM


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Just curious but I saw Ashley Hewitt's tweet :

Ashley Hewitt ‏@hewitt_92 21h

Great results, pleased to get in to horwich uni #hardworkpaysoff

I presume that means he's been doing A levels this year ?

As well as playing and going up 325 places to a WR CH of 424 ?

He's a little older - has he taken a year or two off studies and gone back, or just taken longer (or re-sat) or whatever ?

And does he mean Bolton university ? I didn't think that there was a uni at Horwich (unless he means norwich ?) But he's at the Bolton academy so maybe it's their name for Bolton uni or something else?

Anyway, I know that curiosity killed that cat and all that but just wondering . . .

AND, assuming I've understood the basics, a mega bravo to Ashley - an amazing achievement given what he's done in tennis this year !!!


PS There is also a lovely article in the Yorkshire evening Post about Georgia Craven, and two other top sportswomen:


Georgia got four A* s  !

-- Edited by Coup Droit on Friday 16th of August 2013 09:01:41 AM


Challenger level

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I don't think Ash was being serious, he probably just felt left out since loads of his friends were posting results.


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Josh wrote:

I don't think Ash was being serious, he probably just felt left out since loads of his friends were posting results.

 Thank you - I wasn't sure that I understood it right, that's why I wanted to ask people more in the know. (I'm a literal person !).

I'll keep my congrats then for Georgia (who of course is NOT in the top 500 worldwide so it's a slightly different scenario! although well done all the same of course . . . )


Cheers Josh for setting me right . . . smile

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