You're probably right, but I think they'd be silly to. The way she tweets at the moment, she comes across as very genuine, often funny, and unlike some of the other players around the world who tweet their mind, she seems mature enough not to say the kind of stuff that can make a player come across as a sore loser (she hates losing, obviously, but tends to blame herself rather than lashing out) and to avoid the kind of comments that would make all hell let loose if she was more famous.
That's just an overall impression - it's possible someone determined to prove me wrong could look back over her tweets and find counterexamples to the above, but I think that if a management company does get its hands on her at some point, they'd probably be well-advised not to 'censor' her too much.
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!