Ned Boone should be in the main draw here. Joe Cooper was first Alt but has ended up having to go through qualifying.
FQR: Joe Cooper UNR v Yannick Sankara (BUR) UNR
BUR = Burkina Faso, by the way (the other obvious option, Burundi, is BDI if I remember correctly)
GB on a shirt, Davis Cup still gleaming, 79 years of hurt, never stopped us dreaming ... 29/11/2015 that dream came true!GB top 25s (ranks, whereabouts) & stats -
R1: (WC) Ned Boone & Joshua Rollins (USA) UNR vs Joshua Chetty & David Chaplefeh Forchap (RSA/GER) UNRR1: Joe Cooper & Stefan Meruka (CRO) UNR vs (2) Mark Fynn & Ruan Roelofse (ZIM/RSA) CR 839 (587+252)