Ah pity, especially with so many BP opportunities in set one. Needed to take one.
By the way, they can both definitely now be called top 100 as up to CHs of joint WR 99 in today's rankings. They were joint WR 100 recently, i.e. in the top 101.
Off subject but if Scotland vote for independence ( still unlikely but still a real possibility ) Joss will be the obvious candidate to play with Andy at the Rio Olympics.
Off subject but if Scotland vote for independence ( still unlikely but still a real possibility ) Joss will be the obvious candidate to play with Andy at the Rio Olympics.
The Fed Cup team won't to be too shabby either in a couple of years time - Lumsden, Wallace, Brogan, Rae. There are probably more.
Oh man, independence, that must be why I had nightmares last night. Seemingly subjectwise not linked, but I wonder...
On Phil's point, Scotland would not actually go independent for quite some time. I believe two years has been muted for Independence Day, but there would be a hell of a lot to unravel and put back together again.
Largely due to that, but also so many GB Olympic programs with pairs, teams etc etc including Scots more than two years into their cycles, I have real doubts as to whether a separate Scotland team would appear in Rio even with a yes vote.
The turmoil and uncertainty could be very disruptive, particularly for the Scottish athletes, but with politicians maybe out to make a statement on the world stage, maybe not to be totally discounted