Thanks Insomniacfactor interesting table which reflects what great form Naomi is in relative to the rest of her career ie she is generally progressing well until she meets a top 60 opponent.
Very good to see her tough this one out which suggests this change in game plan has further legs assuming it can be delivered more consistently. How far will it take her?
It would be nice to see her start to trouble players ranked 50-75 regularly, beyond that Naomi is going to need to rise to the challenge of broader technical improvement as the capacity to return even her best serve becomes a given.
Great start to 2016 at least now she is beginning to get the opportunity to test herself against the top girls.
So did Ana Ivanovic practice with Naomi over the winter break, given she was living in Manchester with current boyfriend Schweinsteiger ? I rather hope she didn't.
I'm not sure why you think that that would be a bad thing? I would have thought it would have been a great opportunity for Naomi to practice against such a great player, and really inspiring to get an insight into her training, or anything else.