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Admin:moderator + Club Coach

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Andy ankle Injury

Davis cup participation looks dodgy.

So next match to follow is Monte Carlo April 17th ?

Oh well..........




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You don't think he is just peeved because they didn't select Jamie to play doubles with him, do you?

I will be surprised if he doesn't play, though. He did manage to finish the match against Wawrinka, which doesn't seem as though the injury is that serious.


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I would be staggered if he didn't play. Think his ankle probably feels worse than it is because he's wanting a rest and had just got beaten, but a couple of days off to work on his game on his own and he'll be fine.

His comments haven't exactly been consistant - in one interview he is talking about how he might not make it, in others he's talking about how, if the team plays well, we have the edge and how he hopes the crowd make loads of noise. He's just being a typical inconsistant teenager.


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aria81 wrote:

He's just being a typical inconsistant teenager.

How true   I like how Andy is and wouldn't really want him to change just now, but some people occasionally try and  overanalyse what he says.



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Unless he is totally crocked I think it would be a scandal if he didn't play as this tie has been sold around him. At a time when young Scots kids are taking to the game in droves I can think of little more that would deter them than their new hero doing a no show!


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Dashers wrote:

Unless he is totally crocked I think it would be a scandal if he didn't play as this tie has been sold around him. At a time when young Scots kids are taking to the game in droves I can think of little more that would deter them than their new hero doing a no show!

Unless he is seriously injured he'll play. I think you are being a wee bit harsh considering the work Andy has done to first get the DC tie for Scotland and then talking it up at every opportunity. Think back to when you were 18 and how bleak things sometimes looked when you were disappointed and how you reacted. Eternal optimists are great - but that's not Andy's personality and, in hindsight he might have not said anything about the DC tie but that's not really his thing. He says what he's thinking without really engaging his brain as to the potential backlash first. I like the honesty personally, but you have to accept with people like that they react based on their emotions and that their opinion is very likely to change depending on their mood. ;)

I would bet the house that if Andy can play without hurting the teams chances of progressing, that he'll play.



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Well I think it is time for him to think about what he is saying. I've spoken to people at my club today and they feel the same way, i.e. that he very quickly reached the judgement that he probably wouldn't play and it would be a "good thing" to get a rest. Fair enough? If he reach that judgement a day or two from the event maybe. But to come out with a comment like that so far away from the tie shows naivety at best. It gives the impression that he couldn't care that people have paid good money well in advance to see him. Surely not?!


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Dashers wrote:

Well I think it is time for him to think about what he is saying. I've spoken to people at my club today and they feel the same way, i.e. that he very quickly reached the judgement that he probably wouldn't play and it would be a "good thing" to get a rest. Fair enough? If he reach that judgement a day or two from the event maybe. But to come out with a comment like that so far away from the tie shows naivety at best. It gives the impression that he couldn't care that people have paid good money well in advance to see him. Surely not?!

Agree. Impetous remark so soon after the match. 18 yrs old Scot. I can forgive him !!

I have had my tickets 2 mins after they went on sale for all 3 days so would be gutted if he did not play !!!


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Dashers wrote:

It gives the impression that he couldn't care that people have paid good money well in advance to see him. Surely not?!

Surely not indeed !   I don't believe that for one moment.   He does tend to come straight out with thoughts without thinking things through, which in some ways is good to see.

However, he probably does need trained to be a bit more media savvy with comments since, as you imply, things he says can have ramifications.  In some ways it will be a pity to see him lose some of his innocence.

I think you are being VERY HARSH on him, though.


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Dashers wrote:

Unless he is totally crocked I think it would be a scandal if he didn't play as this tie has been sold around him. At a time when young Scots kids are taking to the game in droves I can think of little more that would deter them than their new hero doing a no show!

Not picking on you, but I also think that that's a pretty ridiculous statement.

I actually do think he will endeavour to play if he sensibly can.  However, if the medics think there is a fair chance he could cause himself further damage at a time when he has many important matches coming up, I think it would be quite sensible to pull out. Yes, even if he is not 'totally crocked'..

Of course it would be a major dissapointment to his many fans if they have bought tickets largely on thinking they are going to see Andy in action.  However, I think most would be much more understanding than you seem to be. 

I would hope that they would still enjoy a good Davis Cup tie.  Now who do we have to thank mostly for it ever being played in Glasgow ?

Anyway, here's hoping it never comes to this, Andy is fit, everyone enjoys watching him play, and GB win. 




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I stand by what I said. I've taken soundings and what I said is a fair reflection of views expressed.

His profile and influence on kids now is such that he cannot just shoot straight from the hip (or lip). His comments, quoted in several sources (so there is little doubt he said them) give the distinct impression that he is not bothered whether he plays or not. Whether that is what he really feels or thinks, I know as much as you. As for the impression given, he really needs to be careful.

A lot of families up in Scotland (and coming in from elsewhere) have paid big money for that weekend for, let's face it, what has been sold to the public as Andy Murray's home Davis Cup Debut.

What he should have said was something along the lines of "Yeah, but with a few days rest should help and, besides which, I am determined to be fit to play at Braehead. I'm really looking forward to it." Want to contrast that to what he is reported to have said?



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My typing! Alternative quote should have read:

"Yeah, my ankle's sore just now but a few days rest should help and, besides which, I am determined to be fit to play at Braehead. I'm really looking forward to it."


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You try thinking clearly after a disapppointing loss and see how media savy you are. Hindsight is a wonderful thing - maybe people should just let him get on with it instead of looking for reasons to slag him off.

In the same interview he was talking about how good a chance we have in the Davis Cup tie if we play well and talking about himself in the team. He also spoke about the fans and the impact they could have on the tie. Is it inconsistant? You bet! Should he know better than to leave himself open to criticism like this? Probably, but it's a learning curve for him. He says a lot in an interview and he should know that soundbites are going to be picked up and ran with but he probably isn't used to that yet. You can't pick and choose which parts of his interview you want to run him over the hot coals for though.

If you honsetly believe he's not that fussed about playing in Scotland for the DC team then you are very mistaken. Did you see him when he played doubles against Isreal? Have you seen him on the sidelines cheering his teammates on? Have you heard him campaigning to get the tie in Scotland? If you think he doesn't care you are extremely far off base. If he's fit, he'll play but if he's not, it's not because he's not bothered it's because he can't. He's spoken a lot about the DC team - it's clearly important to him. I think people are in extreme danger of turning this into an issue that it's not.


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Davis Cup decision towards end of this week re:ankle

And Chiswick club burnt down...

All gloom at the monent.......



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My view on this is quite simple.

If playing while not 100% means that Andy will have to play through the pain barrier then I think he should play. The nature of the tie and the fact that so many people have paid just to watch Andy play does demand he be willing to make some sacrifice.

If however playing would carry a reasonable risk of doing further damage it would be totally unfair to expect him to play.

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