So in the draw tomorrow, hard to see cam not being picked. Question is who will leon pick to play istomin first up. Personally I can't see Jay beating istomin whereas Dan could have a chance - so I'd personally choose Dan. Tough call though
I agree - I think Dan will play Istomin as he has more experience than Jay. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jay play the second singles on Sunday.
Shame Jay isn't playing but OTOH have never seen Dan play. And might yet buy a ticket for Sunday.
Edited - I do hope Leon plays Jay on the Sunday. I would hope we have won by then but seems unlikely if we are drawn or behind that he wouldn't play Cam and Dan.
-- Edited by flamingowings on Thursday 13th of September 2018 04:13:30 PM
-- Edited by flamingowings on Thursday 13th of September 2018 04:50:40 PM
If we only win after the 4th rubber Leon could still swap Jay in for Dan for a 5th rubber if it is being played. But agree that if it is a live rubber ( even if either should beat the Uzbekistan #2 ) it will most probably be Dan unless things have gone very wrong for him earlier.
Would be great to see Jay play. Noticed Istomin is down for the dubs rubber as well so Dan needs to take him 5sets if nothing more. Uzbek dubs options don't look great.