L32: (8) Billy Harris WR 720 (CH = 609 in October 2018) vs Igor Trunov (RUS) WR 1642 (CH = 1612 last August)
Hopefully he can have another good week. Should be seeded next week as well but in Qualifying as it stands! Maybe his 4/5 week stay might bag him a WC.
A slight shame that Billy didnt signup for the ATP 250 qualifying also in Antalya. Would have got in. Although would have been a change in surface for just the one week.
L16: (3) Billy Harris & Yan Sabanin (RUS) CR 1381 (869+512) defeated Vasil Dimtrov & Ilya Snitari (BUL/MDA) UNR (2153+0) by 1 & 3
QF: (3) Billy Harris & Yan Sabanin (RUS) CR 1381 (869+512) vs Marco Bortolotti & Alessandro Ragazzi (ITA/ITA) UNR (235+0 [but a CH of 1411 in May 2019])
Good to see Billy, in singles and doubles, dealing with the lower ranked players with ease. After his run to the final before Xmas, in the same venue, this week (as 8th seed) needs to be one where he is able to beat his seeding - I think expecting (as opposed to hoping) he will win the event is too much too ask (too many variables to get in the way) but hoping he will surpass his seeding is a good test, in singles at least. Although ranked as 3rd seeds in doubles, presumably that is more about a few dollars more and match time than anything else?