QR2: Daisuke Sumizawa WR 1100 (CH = 926 in November 2019) vs (q11) Aidan McHugh WR 564
QR2: (qWC) Daniel Cox UNR vs (q9) Fabian Marozsan (HUN) WR 537 (CH = 516 last November)
QR2: (q8) Paul Jubb WR 527 vs Igor Trunov (RUS) WR 1732 (CH = 1612 last August) QR2: (qWC) Lui Maxted UNR vs Rémy Bertola (SUI) WR 752 (CH = 740 last November)
Aidan really has not come on. Hopefully he will in the next few years but - right now, and pretty much all of last year, it doesn't look to promising.
Yes, and he's really quite short and slight for a tennis player - it's not going to be easy for him (he will certainly fill out a bit, of course, and he's probably about Dan Evans' height so I'm not saying it's impossible. But it's not ideal)