Ramos is the 60-40 favourite tomorrow, although it must be said they are close in rankings and Cam has certainly played exceptionally on the clay the past couple of weeks.
Bambo and Dom opponents seem v close ranking wise and this feels like a 50-50 call. Would be great to see Dom return to winners circle as I for one have written him off - sorry, Dom, go!
I watched Luke and Dom play together for the 1st time yesterday (via bet365) and thought they played really well together, especially Dom who was very solid and made very few mistakes.
From watching them separately in the past, they both can run very hot and cold, so they'll be a pair that has some poor looking losses, but when it clicks I'm sure they could give anyone a game.
Especially looking forward to seeing them together on a grass court, think they'll have the tools as a team to cause some damage.