When is the final due to be played!? For the boys... I ask because Will Jansen is in the qualies for the u18 nationals down in surbiton with a court time of 5 pm.
Oxford to surbiton , which is south west London, is probably 90 mins? Guessing here. So he will need to be finished and get off v smartish to be able to loosen up after a car journey.
Apparently 11 according to the LTA tournament website.
So... lets say a 2 hour final. 1 pm. Shower, eat, on road by 2..arrive 3.30 and on court 5? Interesting. Maybe the lta will be flexible , I guess both events are their events...
-- Edited by JonH comes home on Friday 4th of June 2021 09:19:44 PM
was anyone aware we have an lta combined rankings that includes some sort of points system devised by the lta, includes singles points and 25 percent of doubles points a la itf juniors
dan and jo lead at end of last week, not surprisingly.
in the mens, joe salisbury is second; aljaz bedene is also in the top 10 and conny perrin in the womens...
no idea the history behind this or how it is used - it is a mix of singles and doubles players and interesting on that level, but...what is its point...
The national rankings aren't relevant to the top players. but below that level it is more significant, as it affects entry into the lower tier events - although the ratings rather than the rankings seem to be more significant as far as the British Tour is concerned.
Confused ? Good, because so am I on how it all fits together in the grand scheme of the LTA !
The national rankings aren't relevant to the top players. but below that level it is more significant, as it affects entry into the lower tier events - although the ratings rather than the rankings seem to be more significant as far as the British Tour is concerned.
Confused ? Good, because so am I on how it all fits together in the grand scheme of the LTA !
For age groups, eg u18 or u16, these lists are used for acceptance and seeding in nationals like recent surbiton g1. For open tournaments such as brit tour lta rating is used (after any with wta, atp or itf rankings) rather than ranking. But ranking then used to order those with equal rating....there will often be a lot of say 2.1 or something rated in womens. In mens there are masses of 1.1 rated players, some quite young, so ranking is even more important to separate them. World tennis number will be along (soon, allegedly....) this will replace rating. According to lta wtn will be introduced in spring 2021...some people insist spring is until june 21st perhaps but it is stretching it a bit. With problems with new tournament software and submission of scores to utr I'm not holding my breath on that.
The lta ranking list includes points scaled up from all pro tournaments and itf juniors and lta tournaments. It is odd seeing specialist doubles players mixed in near the top, also there are quite a number included who go by a different nationality in itf or pro tennis but who are on lta system.
The LTA rankings do seem a bit confusing. Hannah Klugman after winning the BT Woking doesnt appear to have it counting towards any of her LTA combined rankings.
The LTA rankings do seem a bit confusing. Hannah Klugman after winning the BT Woking doesnt appear to have it counting towards any of her LTA combined rankings.
That is because she is too young! Points only count from 2 age groups above your own, so if under 12, as I think she is, points from u12, u14 and u16 count. Only when gets to u16 do open points count. As points last for a year it is possible to build up say open points in last 6 months or so of under 14 which will then count for what's left of the year when player reaches u16. I guess this rule is to stop parents putting younger players in adult tournaments and perhaps filling them up and taking opportunities from adults?
Hannah's woking points will be long gone before she gets to u16, but if she is that good it won't matter, she will be doing well enough then in whatever tournaments she does anyway. By the way she was in qualifying in west worthing, has won 3 matches and a main draw one and only lost 5 games in 8 sets.
The lists for the G1 at Paddington are live (link wont copy). 77 womens entries and 118 mens which has 16 in the main draw and 24 qualifying. Going to be tough for the player that gets WC Josh Goodger in the qualies!