Arthur has wrapped up the first set against Ebden in style. 6-3. And a fair score.
Felix has just lost the first set TB, 7-6(8)
Real shame. He had 3 set points in the TB and didn't really do anything wrong - played well - Polmans hit a line - nothing between the two of them all set really. But a very good match whatever
And what sort of message does it send to fans that if you want to watch the qualis, you've got to open a betting account?
And, given covid restrictions, what are all the friend of our youngsters supposed to do? We're telling Felix and Arhtur's mates (age 19 or so) to open betting accounts? That's a REALLY good idea - not! And Jack PJ's friends are still under age and so can't even do that (or shouldn't, ay any rate)
It's shocking.
Thanks CD. If it wasn't for Covid I'd be at Roehampton today. I always love going there and getting to know the new crop of youngsters that I haven't seen before. It makes it so much more interesting following their careers in later years after seeing them live. But even a stream on the BBC web site would be better than nothing. They obviously don't thing anyone's interested!!!
Eeek Ebden broke back. Ebden also now having a medical timeout having loudly said to himself you are only on one leg but you can beat this guy which wasamusing I think. Might decide it was rude and disrespectful if he beats Fery though.