I will nominate Luke Johnson.
1st Singles title and 17th doubles title this week. Not often that a player does the double at a tournament. Great achievement.
Alfie Hewett won the world masters singles and doubles titles this week in Florida, wheelchair tennis In case anyone not sure - hard to top that feat so I nominate him
November/December Pom nominations list - 8 players so far
Sam Murray-Sharan
Jonny Gray
Harriet Dart
Katie Swan
Henry Patten
Luke Johnson
Alfie Hewett
Johannus Monday
As of end of week 1 of 6 we now have 8 nominations - trending for 48 at the end of week 6 if we keep this up - may need several polls to sort this one out in due course!
For info, here are the 4 players with the most nominations so far this season - noting a player can only get 11 max for the 11 counting months of the season:
Name Monthly Nominations
A. Hewett 6
C. Norrie 6
J. Salisbury 6
L. Broady 5
Alfie, Joe and Liam haven't won PoM this year at all; Cam has won 1 outright and shared 1.
As it happens, their win ratio is around 6% (1 1/2 wins, 23 nominations) versus around 8% for the wider population of nominees (8 1/2 wins for others out of 108 nominations), so not massively out of kilter. But, it seems to me that regular month in month out success over the year doesn't pay when it comes to PoM. It seems it is that monthly big hitting highlight that seems to do it!
Just an observation. And a wheelchair player has never won a PoM vote ever is just another observation!! Maybe this season things could change - recalling of course that Alfie came 3rd or 4th last season in player of the season, I will need to check!!