Aidan lost 15-13 in the final set tie break. Missed about 6 match points. Kozluv was a d1ck about it. Enough said.
When someone writes this and it aligned to another post or message then it basically means that they are supporting it or emphasising its contents. Get with it SC! Used on social media a lot
Aidan lost 15-13 in the final set tie break. Missed about 6 match points. Kozluv was a d1ck about it. Enough said.
When someone writes this and it aligned to another post or message then it basically means that they are supporting it or emphasising its contents. Get with it SC! Used on social media a lot
Not bloody likely. This message board is the only social medium with which I can be bothered to engage.
Aidan lost 15-13 in the final set tie break. Missed about 6 match points. Kozluv was a d1ck about it. Enough said.
When someone writes this and it aligned to another post or message then it basically means that they are supporting it or emphasising its contents. Get with it SC! Used on social media a lot
Not bloody likely. This message board is the only social medium with which I can be bothered to engage.
But as a linguist, it's interesting the things that catch on on social media. And how language is used.
I guess 'this' is the same as putting 'I agree'. But it's a little punchier.
No it's not, it's weak - & incomprehensible!
I'm afraid you can't say that because it's a fact of how it's used - I mean that it's used as though you're pointing your finger at it - indicating 'this' to point directly, forcefully, to what you agree with. As opposed to a general 'I agree' which is more general in its tone.
And it's not incomprehensible if the vast majority of the public understand it.
What it sure isn't is incomprehensible Well at least to the vast majority of its intended audience. So it is no doubt absolutely fine with the vast majority of its intended audience. I actually rather suspect it is was more comprehensible to SC than she made out while she might not like it. And yes I look at it as punchier than "I agree".
I've always got time for a minority viewpoint. But that doesn't make it a viewpoint that I will agree with and I give some viewpoints more time than others. In fact probably more often it is is a minority viewpoint for a reason.
But as a linguist, it's interesting the things that catch on on social media. And how language is used.
I guess 'this' is the same as putting 'I agree'. But it's a little punchier.
No it's not, it's weak - & incomprehensible!
+1 is also used. Or just liking a comment if there is a button to do so. I guess on here it would be the thumbs up emoji/icon that you can select from the more emoticons on the left hand side.