He's just teasing Bob. I think he'll be top 500 before too long.
Dan or Jan? Personally, I am not sure for either - Jan I dont see him getting the results, I hope I am wrong. For Dan it feels like a quantity game as opposed to quality (ie lots of scorers as opposed to one or two big ones) but I dont see that he will get enough to push the 500 level...hope I am wrong as I know very little!!
I meant Dan. But Jan too may squeeze into the top 500.
I'm going to check what ranking points the runners and riders are due to drop before Kyle drops out in August ( if he doesn't add any points ).
I will post in the top 500 thread.
That would be great.
I had a skim a couple of weeks ago but not properly and it's the key thing, with all the big grass events coming (although maybe slightly less such a big deal this year, with the sudden deluge of domestic 25ks)
Shame. But Peliwo did an excellent job of battening down the hatches and Brandon couldn't quite get the balance between playing percentage tennis and aggression.