At the moment, Aidan and Billy are due to play alts who havent been named. At this stage, how do they fill those- 2 from the doubles draw? Or highest ranked players entered not playing ? Or do they need to be onsite? Or could anyone rock up and take a vacant place?
Rain forecast all day in Birmingham, wouldn't hold out any hope for outdoor play today.
Ah but whats the weather due to be like in Nottingham?!
At the moment, Aidan and Billy are due to play alts who havent been named. At this stage, how do they fill those- 2 from the doubles draw? Or highest ranked players entered not playing ? Or do they need to be onsite? Or could anyone rock up and take a vacant place?
Rain forecast all day in Birmingham, wouldn't hold out any hope for outdoor play today.
Ah but whats the weather due to be like in Nottingham?!
QR1: (q13!) Felix Gill WR 428 (= CH) vs Oscar Weightman WR 678 (= CH) QR1: (qWC) Arthur Féry WR 677 (CH = 672 last month) vs (q12) Otto Virtanen (FIN) WR 375 (CH = 354 in April)
QR1: (ALT/q2) Antoine Hoang (FRA) WR 235 (CH = 98 in August 2019) vs (qWC) Daniel Cox WR 549 (CH = 206 in July 2014)
QR1: (q3) Andrea Vavassori (ITA) WR 245 (CH = 223 in April) vs Mark Whitehouse WR 724 (CH = 530 in August 2019)
QR1: (q4) Marius Copil (ROU) WR 251 (CH = 56 in January 2019) vs (qWC) Harry Wendelken WR 647 (CH = 642 last month)
QR1: (q5) Jason Jung (TPE) WR 255 (CH = 114 in July 2018) vs (qWC) Henry Patten WR 550 (= CH)
QR1: (q14) Charles Broom WR 454 (= CH) vs Daniel Cukierman (ISR) WR 552 (CH = 525 in February 2017) QR1: Stuart Parker WR 489 (= CH) vs (q10) Henri Squire (GER) WR 341 (CH = 340 last month)
QR1: (ALT) Julian Cash WR 809 (CH = 791 in April) vs (q8) Aidan McHugh WR 319 (CH = 298 in February)
QR1: (ALT) Giles Hussey WR 719 (= CH) vs (q9) Billy Harris WR 334 (= CH)
Bellier did Ok at Surbiton but he played a pretty stupid game - PHH made mincemeat out of him - which was partly PHH playing very well but it was also Bellier being rather stubborn and just charging the net all the time (a bit like a 'bélier', in fact )