Hard to see a way back into the top 100 for Heather from here sadly. The Wimbledon points missing really hurting her.
From what I've seen she's playing pretty well at the minute. There's a big run of 60 and 80ks this autumn which could be perfect for her. I highly doubt she's likely to pack it in just after getting her best ever result.
Does she really want to drop down to 60s level? That would be a lot of commitment for someone of her age who probably doesn't need the relatively small amount of money available at those tournaments.
Heather has never appeared to have any snobbery about what level tournament she plays in.
Hard to see a way back into the top 100 for Heather from here sadly. The Wimbledon points missing really hurting her.
From what I've seen she's playing pretty well at the minute. There's a big run of 60 and 80ks this autumn which could be perfect for her. I highly doubt she's likely to pack it in just after getting her best ever result.
Does she really want to drop down to 60s level? That would be a lot of commitment for someone of her age who probably doesn't need the relatively small amount of money available at those tournaments.
Probably not - but there are 6 hardcourt wta125s before season end as well, so I think Heather has a good chance of getting the results se needs.
Astonishingly, Heather has earned over $600k this year and congratulations to her for going over $5m career earnings. If she still has the desire, she should spend some time with a serve coach and then she could stay in the top 100 for a few more years.
Astonishingly, Heather has earned over $600k this year and congratulations to her for going over $5m career earnings. If she still has the desire, she should spend some time with a serve coach and then she could stay in the top 100 for a few more years.
wow, that is a lot!
On the LiveTennis.eu live rankings system they have an up to the moment list of $ won by each player (in singles) so you can see Cam has won $2.3m. They dont do it for the women for some reason...is there a resource which shows an earnings list for the WTA players?
Only list I have seen so far is one on Coric where you can get a combined list of career earnings for men and women. i=It also gives year to date earnings. We have Novak, Rafa, Roger, serena, Andy and Pete Sampras.
After numerous years of following Heather I've come to the conclusion that there is no point in trying to predict her form or ranking. She generally plays really well two or three times a year and the rest is usually rubbish. She is consistenly inconcistent
Edit - I spotted one typo there are probably others
-- Edited by Strongbow on Saturday 20th of August 2022 01:19:44 AM