In L'Equipe, this was the reply by one reader (presumably French):
le 29 septembre 2022 à 22h28
Moi j'ai vu tout le match. Moutet comme d'habitude a eu un comportement exécrable du début à la fin. Il s'est plaint de tout, de l'arbitre, de son adversaire, il pleurniche sans arrêt. C'est normal qu'avec ce genre de comportement de gamin de 8 ans, son adversaire veuille mettre les choses au point. je n'aime pas ce joueur petit garçon, puéril et ridicule je trouve. Il a vraiment un côté insupportable
Which translates as:
I saw the whole match. As per normal, Moutet was an utter prat from start to finish. He complained about everything, the umpire, his opponent, he moaned and whined the whole time. If you're going to act like an 8 year-old, it's pretty obvious that your opponent's going to want to do something about it. I hate this ridiculously babyish sort of behaviour. There's a part of him that's just completely unbearable.
(And people say that we're not always nice about OUR players )
In L'Equipe, this was the reply by one reader (presumably French):
stef107 le 29 septembre 2022 à 22h28 Moi j'ai vu tout le match. Moutet comme d'habitude a eu un comportement exécrable du début à la fin. Il s'est plaint de tout, de l'arbitre, de son adversaire, il pleurniche sans arrêt. C'est normal qu'avec ce genre de comportement de gamin de 8 ans, son adversaire veuille mettre les choses au point. je n'aime pas ce joueur petit garçon, puéril et ridicule je trouve. Il a vraiment un côté insupportable
Which translates as:
I saw the whole match. As per normal, Moutet was an utter prat from start to finish. He complained about everything, the umpire, his opponent, he moaned and whined the whole time. If you're going to act like an 8 year-old, it's pretty obvious that your opponent's going to want to do something about it. I hate this ridiculously babyish sort of behaviour. There's a part of him that's just completely unbearable.
(And people say that we're not always nice about OUR players )