35 votes is exactly par for the course. Jury is out on whether 3 days added anything to 1 day - it drew the same / similar number of votes out over a longer period; I will dwell and decide if we use 1, 2 or 3 days next month (but I wont be making it longer than 3 days).
Either way, thanks to all who voted, thanks to all who commented (appreciated) and a big thanks to JohnyAitch (feels like my alter ego) (JonH) for supporting and prompting during the process!
one of the improvements this month is that, for me at least , it felt less frantic. The one day polls tended to get me more stressed, whether that was the timing limit or that I tried to push participation too much. Backing off on time and being less pushy probably made it better for me and I have no doubt improved it for everyone out there also!
I am going to dwell on whether it will be 3 days next time or maybe 2, but whichever it is, it won't be 1 day and it wont be 1 week either!
I'd suggest two days, but with a closing time early on the third morning - after all you are often online first thing anyway.
Indeed, that might work well. I tend to be online for a few early work emails and general diary catch up over a cuppa so do tend to log in and take a look at that time, so running a poll from say Sunday night (as generally is the case now) through to say Wednesday first thing would be easy enough to do.
I'd suggest two days, but with a closing time early on the third morning - after all you are often online first thing anyway.
Indeed, that might work well. I tend to be online for a few early work emails and general diary catch up over a cuppa so do tend to log in and take a look at that time, so running a poll from say Sunday night (as generally is the case now) through to say Wednesday first thing would be easy enough to do.
Do what suits you. I personally am not adverse to you putting 1 reminder in the most used tournament thread of that particular week either just no spamming:)
I'd suggest two days, but with a closing time early on the third morning - after all you are often online first thing anyway.
Indeed, that might work well. I tend to be online for a few early work emails and general diary catch up over a cuppa so do tend to log in and take a look at that time, so running a poll from say Sunday night (as generally is the case now) through to say Wednesday first thing would be easy enough to do.
Do what suits you. I personally am not adverse to you putting 1 reminder in the most used tournament thread of that particular week either just no spamming:)
As emmsie says, whatever suits you best for that month, Jon
Me, I quite like the longer version - a bit less frantic - but, really, it's your baby, and you're really good to do it, so whatever fits with you best, and it doesn't have to be cast in stone, either.
As emmsie says, whatever suits you best for that month, Jon
Me, I quite like the longer version - a bit less frantic - but, really, it's your baby, and you're really good to do it, so whatever fits with you best, and it doesn't have to be cast in stone, either.
Cool. I think I will go with TA's suggestion in fact.