This is something Ive been thinking of. The singles at one time was played separately
From the doubles. Theyd play groups over 4 days, 3 matches per day in one single session , and the event took 6 days. This is back in the days of madison square garden and then into Germany and others before the O2.
The doubles worked well in venues like the Albert Hall as it had real atmosphere.
The problem now is the doubles gets little reporting alongside the singles ; and a 2 match session can be very short if the matches are one sided, like tonights session.
The issue with going back to this , for me, would be - two sessions a day doubles the attendance; but also, does the doubles have enough star names to stand alone? I think it could and maybe the time is right at the end lf Turins 5 years contract in 3 years to consider a change of approach?
A shame for Lloyd and Harri but the better team won, and an amazing year for them.
I know nothing about doubles tactics, but wondering if they should experiment with swapping return positions. Lloyd's forehand weakness is well known now, so on the ad side he is getting very few backhand opportunities against these top pairs, and is left trying to hit inside out forehands with a fine angle. On the deuce side, he'd at least have a big target for this forehand with the crosscourt return. I feel like he feels a lot of pressure on return at the minute and a bigger target might help. I'm sure there are many reasons this would be a bad idea tho!