He tweets a lot about tennis, some interesting - I think its a career as opposed to being a fan . A lot of what he used to tweet was around fixed matches although hes backed off. I think someone maybe threatened him , either someone he implied was a fixer or maybe some other entity - so he doesnt mention fixes often these days but he is quite opinionated .
the fact he has implied this looks dodgy , at least the round one result, is telling - Id say dodgy in terms of the guy who lost by the way, not the British player!
He tweets a lot about tennis, some interesting - I think its a career as opposed to being a fan . A lot of what he used to tweet was around fixed matches although hes backed off. I think someone maybe threatened him , either someone he implied was a fixer or maybe some other entity - so he doesnt mention fixes often these days but he is quite opinionated .
the fact he has implied this looks dodgy , at least the round one result, is telling - Id say dodgy in terms of the guy who lost by the way, not the British player!
Ah, OK, thanks. Refuse to have anything to do with Twitter. What are its devotees going to do when Musk finally pulls the plug?
Had a feeling there was something strange going on, hence my incredulity about the result yesterday. I would like to know how much was wagered on the outcome in case it was unusually high for a futures match.
and how the odds moved as well. I suspend judgement for now! but usually, if something looks too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true!