The Mmoh v Zverev match is very poor quality. Thankfully Garcia v Fernandez is much better viewing.
Yep, absolutely (don't like Mmoh anyway, nor Zverez particlarly, and the girls are putting on a treat)
No surprise about Chardy at all - he's no spring chicken any more and barely played - Dan was a slamdunk in that one but well done to him all the same, obviously
Although Fritz has just lost (and WHAT an atmosphere, and huge well done to Popy), the US are having a ball in the men - seven through to the third round and counting
Ben Shelton is my favourite (having watched a super match with him and Paul Jubb last year)
Fesity, great ball skills, a clear love and joy just in playing, I read that he'd never even been out of the US until this event
Looking at all the French press, Jeremy Chardy himself is still livid, and says that not only was the umpire the worst one in history, and a liar, but you never, ever could count on Dan to be fair play.
encore très remonté après l'affaire de la balle tombée de sa poche. "Ca faisait longtemps que je n'étais pas autant énervé après un arbitre. Après, s'il fallait compter sur le fair-play d'Evans..."
BUT the French commentators/public/twitter guys, basically have no sympathy for him - his ball, his pocket, his missed volley.....hence, Dan's point
Looking at all the French press, Jeremy Chardy himself is still livid, and says that not only was the umpire the worst one in history, and a liar, but you never, ever could count on Dan to be fair play.
E.g. @jimchardy encore très remonté après l'affaire de la balle tombée de sa poche. "Ca faisait longtemps que je n'étais pas autant énervé après un arbitre. Après, s'il fallait compter sur le fair-play d'Evans..."
BUT the French commentators/public/twitter guys, basically have no sympathy for him - his ball, his pocket, his missed volley.....hence, Dan's point
Doesnt seem like Chardy and Evo have much love for each other either!!