Charles B - our last man standing in singles - is out so ...
A dire week for the GB men - only 7 singles points
Please post if you spot any errors - the earlier they're corrected the easier.
As at today
Lower down the rankings Ben Jones and James Davis in +ve territory
Aidan firsy player in the top third to cover his losses as do Hamish and Adam Jones lower down.
The GB men scored 560 points in March with 378 off.
Also to the good this week are Joshua Goodger, Patrick Brady, Michael Shaw and Henry Searle.
edit Cam comment deleted as he went out after I'd gone to bed.
Further down George Loffhagen in positive territory after reacing a 25K final. George can add another nine if he wins his final tomorrow as can Alastair Gray.
Elbert Barr also moves into +ve territory with 1 point. The only scorer other than Dan and Jan.
With 2 weeks to go the GB men are still 300+ points off replacing their losses . Dan, Andy and Jan the main gainers along with George L.
GB mens deficit down to 228. Cam&Dan final at Lyon