Good to see Felix back on court after his elbow operation at the back end of last year.
Indeed, his form dropped off. Cant help but think he should have stopped earlier and I think he was playing with it for a while.
It was heavily strapped when I went to watch him play in Spain. He was talking about the timing of the operation, which he knew was coming at some stage.
QR1: Felix Mischker UNR vs Anargyros Panagiotou (GRE) UNR
QR1: Asaf Friedler (ISR) WR 1797 (= CH) vs James Beaven UNR
Felix is the 2nd match on the draw sheet. I guess the spot above him should have had the #1 seed however that top match up is showing 2 byes. So win this one and through to the FQR.