I m quite amazed the FQR for men is still best of 5 sets, not sure if that fits in with the modern game - it is what it is, hope Billy pulls it off!!
Meant in the friendliest of spirits - you've got to laugh, Jon - I think you're one of these guys that just forgets all the small stuff and has his mind on higher things
I m quite amazed the FQR for men is still best of 5 sets, not sure if that fits in with the modern game - it is what it is, hope Billy pulls it off!!
Meant in the friendliest of spirits - you've got to laugh, Jon - I think you're one of these guys that just forgets all the small stuff and has his mind on higher things
Yep! Spot on! Thats me! Id like to think its because my intellect is so high, I dont sweat the detail! But its not ! its a low attention span and a creative mindset!
in my job Im a management consultant. what gets me going is creative and innovative things and I love running workshops with clients, that type of thing. Im the worst guy around if you want someone to write you a nice succinct presentation; get me to present it and talk to the client and Im the go to guy!
luckily Im at a stage in my career where Ive others who work for me who can write stuff and sweat the detail, I get by floating around at the top!