Reminder that entries to this competition will be closed at 7.30am Sunday morning, so just under 4 days to get your entry in. And if you do enter, tell us what you vote for!
Just 12 in so far and this will be the first of 4 similar competitions covering all 4 slams - and an annual champion will be crowned to see who takes Indys crown!
Gone 17, not optimistic this year some tough 2nd round draws, and men's doubles struggling compared to previous years. Not much time to think too hard about it either.
We have a couple of groupings of predictions now, one slightly more optimistic group and one slightly more pessimistic, compared to last years performance!!
14 entries so far - those anonymous folks, of which there are 4, please do say what you voted if you come back and see this now or during the AO itself.
Others who enter, please tell us what you predict when you place your vote! A winner will be crowned!