Stircrazy wrote:FQR: (q1) Christoph Negritu (GER) WR 326 vs (qWC) Toby Samuel WR 1612
FQR: (q6) Alastair Gray WR 417 vs (ALT) James Story WR 739
FQR: (qWC) Finn Bass WR 993 vs (q9) Raul Brancaccio (ITA) WR 432 (CH = 121 in February 2023)
FQR: Stuart Parker WR 527 vs (q12) Max Wiskandt (GER) WR 492 (CH = 484 last November) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I thought this was going to be the only real let-down of the day at one point:
QR1: (qWC/q2) Giles Hussey WR 383 defeated (ALT) Adam Heinonen (SWE) 741 by 6-2 3-6 6-2
FQR: (qWC/q2) Giles Hussey WR 383 vs (ALT) Harry Wendelken WR 642
But at least another player I rate got the benefit
Go, James !
I don't know anything about James except he seems to have started winning a few matches recently. Is he an ex college player?
I honestly don't know - I just know that I saw him play at Roehampton, outside, in 2022 - and I loved the crack off his racket and the physicality - and he was only 20 or 21 - and so he went on my list as ones I like to watch