Of course it hurts, feeling not wanted, but as you say a relief - I had a similar experience many years ago but found a way eventually to use my skills and passion in a much more fruitful way. Good luck in your future ventures
Of course it hurts, feeling not wanted, but as you say a relief - I had a similar experience many years ago but found a way eventually to use my skills and passion in a much more fruitful way. Good luck in your future ventures
Sorry to hear this JonH. I was also made redundant over 30 years ago, and made the decision to strike out on my own as an independent consultant and it was the right choice. Work your network, make the most of your contacts and something will soon turn up. Good luck and hope it gets sorted quickly.
Sorry to hear this JonH. I was also made redundant over 30 years ago, and made the decision to strike out on my own as an independent consultant and it was the right choice. Work your network, make the most of your contacts and something will soon turn up. Good luck and hope it gets sorted quickly.
Thank you TA and that is exactly my plan! thanks for the pep talk!
Given the above, I think the way to go is to monetise the player of the month, season and other votes I do. A per vote fee ( and people can buy multiple votes), advertising from say Andy Murrays agency or the LTA, a subscription payment to avoid advertising, and access to a paid monthly newsletter and voting summary.
There could be patreon tiers giving extra free votes, additional analysis from you of how players have performed in past events and voting patterns and so on, a weekly podcast version with you talking about the current state of nominations and the results, free merchandise ("Get your PotM coffee mug!"), a chance to record a message of support for your preferred player....
Oh, you forgot the merchandise! PotM T-shiirts. People could even have them personalised with "I'm supporting [Name] in the Mar 2025 PotM vote!" each month.
Because "Turn your hobby into a business!" is always such great advice....
There could be patreon tiers giving extra free votes, additional analysis from you of how players have performed in past events and voting patterns and so on, a weekly podcast version with you talking about the current state of nominations and the results, free merchandise ("Get your PotM coffee mug!"), a chance to record a message of support for your preferred player....
Oh, you forgot the merchandise! PotM T-shiirts. People could even have them personalised with "I'm supporting [Name] in the Mar 2025 PotM vote!" each month.
Because "Turn your hobby into a business!" is always such great advice....
/s (in case anyone was unsure)
great ideas!! I am very tempted, but would need a business partner, as there is a lot to do and little time to do it in!
On a serious note, my wife did say that I maybe wouldnt be in this position if I didnt spend so much time on this stuff!!
my initial concern is the PotM sounds too close for POTUS right now, so branding could be important! Think PoM is likely to be the image I run with! Watch this space!
Shareholders/investors may be sort, although I will stop short of a Dragons Den or The Apprentice style pitch, I think
Hey, Jon, was just wondering how things are going with you on the job front. Hope you're getting lots of good opportunities offered to you!
Hi Tanaqui - thanks for asking! I left my employment on Wednesday last week and am getting a little bit of a package at the end of this month that we negotiated and had to then put in place a settlement agreement (PILON, a little ex gratia as well and also holiday pay owed and time during March) so that is good and gives me a little time. I am looking to work independently as a consultant in my professional field, as opposed to going back into full time employment, and so have re invigorated my company (as I have done this before) from a few years ago.
The Settlement Agreement took a bit of time - ACAS stipulates a 10 working day window is allowed for these things, I assumed my company would have a standard tested model they could send over with the correct details inserted, but no! It was a dogs breakfast and my lawyer (which they pay for, thankfully) was quite aghast at the poor quality structure of it. So we had to hammer that into shape!
I have been busy networking a bit, putting feelers out, getting CV together etc and generally probing around. We go on holiday for a week this Thursday (hence why I have roped Indy into doing the PoM vote) and then plan to push harder on it all when I get back with batteries recharged!
All in all, feeling good and my network seems more interested in picking up with me now that they dont think I am always trying to sell them a big consulting project! Funny that!
Thanks again, Tanaqui!
-- Edited by JonH comes home on Monday 24th of March 2025 01:04:49 PM