I heard the LTA guy (won't say who) give a bit of a bollocking to Rhys last summer - more about expectations, really, and belief, nothing 'bad' as such, but I didn't feel the guys really had his back
I see Judy Murray is bemoaning the lack of Scots playing here, but I suspect that it is not just this tournament.
I'm seeing very few Scots playing in junior tournaments in general.
I thought it may be due to the fall out of Stirling, but Judy thinks differently as there was only one Scottish player at the academy
Alfie may have a false ranking (or not) but I don't think he enjoyed today at all, poor lad - he lost 6-0 6-0 As did top seed, mark ceban (lose, that is, not the same score)
Will Moxon has won two J30 titles and made the final of a J60 in the last few weeks - has been zooming up the rankings - and is still going strong here in the J100 Will is also the youngest, still 16, whilst the others are all 17 or already 18 (in the case of Zech)
The SFs are:
(7) Matt Upton v William Moxon (6) Dylan Davies v (3) Zech Hamrouni
-- Edited by Coup Droit on Wednesday 5th of March 2025 11:22:15 PM
Tegan is also based at Edgbaston and I have to say they are starting to produce a good crop of juniors under the coaching of George Coupland and the team
Tegan is also based at Edgbaston and I have to say they are starting to produce a good crop of juniors under the coaching of George Coupland and the team
Well done to George - lovely to see the players we used to follow being successful in their new roles (especially when they're tennis related)
Are you absolutely sure he's still there though? He doesn't seem to come up on the site at all (but it could well be me missing it)
Mike Peel seems to be 'Head of Performance', which must be the top dog job, I assume, based on this tweet about Billy and Tegan a couple of days ago
Are you sure that was George? George left Duke Meadows to move to Atlanta a couple of years ago where he coaches and plays. He was playing an event in Atlanta in mid February.
Are you sure that was George? George left Duke Meadows to move to Atlanta a couple of years ago where he coaches and plays. He was playing an event in Atlanta in mid February.
Yes, that's what I'd seen online too - thanks, thought I was going mad
Dyland has some link with Defy sports, so well done to Defy
For the doubles, the finals are:
Sophia C & Georgiana M v Chloe Cleaver & Tegan
Dylan & Alfie King v Mark Ceban+
Dylan is an interesting one. Very talented player with a natural feel for the game but until last year attitude and behaviour was very bad. He was asked to leave more than one training centre due to his behaviour on court.Don't know what has happened to change him but its great to see him getting the results he is capable of. He spent a lot of time at Nottingham, with the same coach as Mia so its good to see Nottingham producing players too. The KDs also use there as a base and they have some very good younger ones coming along too