QR1: Alvaro Bueno (ESP) WR 1739 (CH = 1668 in December 2023) vs (q10) Alexis Canter WR 1447 (CH = 773 in September 2019)
QR1: (q3) Pablo Trochu (FRA) WR 1020 (CH = 879 last September) vs Fabio Nestola WR 2073 (CH = 1870 last May) QR1: Alexander Maggs WR 2033 (CH = 1764 last October) vs William McLennaghan UNR
QR1: Daniel Vishnick WR 2105 (CH = 1999 last May) vs Vasilios Caripi (RSA) UNR (CH = 1580 in August 2022)
QR1: (q8) Marcus Walters WR 1367 (CH = 1145 last November) vs (qWC) Ioannis Stamatopoulos (GRE) UNR
Oliver Bonding should be in the main draw as a JR, along with Stuart Parker.
L32: (JR) Oliver Bonding WR 957 (= CH) vs Pierre Delage (FRA) WR 899 (CH = 824 in October 2019) L32: (JR) Dmitry Kopilevich (SLO) UNR vs (2) Stuart Parker WR 464 (CH = 346 in October 2022)