Updates to this message board
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As you can probably see, I've been making an number of updates in the last couple of hours.
[1] Calendar button: There is now an online calendar which lists when our members joined and also birthday reminders. In the new season, I'm going to update it with details of Andy's matches and also his tour...
Meeting up at tennis events.
Hi All, I'm starting a new thread to see if people can/want to meetup with others on the board at tournaments. A few of us went to Shrewsbury this week, but didn't get together, and from my perspective, it would have been nice to have done so and said thanks to Jules for her updates. I'm hoping to go to Wrexh...
Development List for britishtennis.net
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I suggest we use this thread to list jobs to do to improve the site: We'll keep a running list of agreed tasks in this first post, a list of completed ones in the second post (to remind us what we've achieved), A list of jobs being considered in a third one and the rest of the thread is free form for s...
Code of Conduct Discussion Thread
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In light of the recent issues regarding offensive posts and personal attacks I have suggested to Sheddie that we need a very simple but clear code of conduct. I hope to PM all the mods for feedback and then we will post something here. We want to give people as much freedom to debate, object and express b...
Forum Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct can be found HERE
Heh ho
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So, sometimes its good to share. I lost my job today. Or at least Im losing my job, we are going to finalise a settlement agreement over the next couple of weeks and then Ill go. And whilst incredibly upset and hurt, its such a relief to know the pressure is over. Thing is, theres always hope for the future...
JonH comes home
Leave of Absence Request
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Further to comments on the Leeds thread, I feel I need to hereby officially request permission to be absent a lot between now and the middle of May. During this time, I have 5 cricket tournaments to organise, 3 training academy visits (including the Welsh National team who arrive on Sat) plus 1 touring...
Bob in Spain
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I have long since despised Trump and his form of government but in his most recent tweet today, he is showing signs to me that he no longer mentally stable enough to remain in the position of POTUS. WARNING: This is the video of a 75 year old man being pushed to the ground by police and suffering injury, all...
Bob in Spain
Funny Tweets
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Bob in Spain
Leeds United
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Seems we have a number of Leeds fans on here so I thought we deserved our own thread Greatest team of all time: 1) Gary Sprake 2) Paul Reaney 3) Terry Cooper 4) Billy Bremner 5) Jack Charlton 6) Norman Hunter 7) Peter Lorimer 8) Allan Clarke 9) Mick Jones 10) Jonny Giles 11) Eddie Gray 12) Paul Madeley (Supe...
Bob in Spain
The Russian threat: how credible is it?
Donald Trump's overtures to Russia are but one of the many unwelcome/questionable actions he has taken since he was re-elected President, but a discussion of them would, I feel, have derailed the dedicated Trump thread. His motives for currying favour with Vladimir Putin & his apparent read...
The weird & wonderful world of English grammar...
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Inspired by Bob's suggestion of a dedicated thread following an entertaining discussion on the Loughborough M25 thread, I'm launching this. Feel free to chip in with contributions of your own, especially what gets your goat about other people's glaring grammatical errors when you see/hear the...
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I have started a new thread because I wanted to put up a new vote. As Theresa May announces her "3rd way" for a customs union/agreement/alignment/arrangement, I am wondering how people's opinions have changed (if at all) over the last two years. I will leave the debating points until later, other th...
Bob in Spain
My name is Nicolai and I am from Denmark. I am one of your biggest fans and always watch you on TV. he was a really good tennis player -- Edited by superfar on Sunday 27th of August 2023 09:39:13 PM
Happy Holidays and Festivities to All ! - and any silly Christmas stories?
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Dec 2021 People are starting putting Happy Christmas wishes on various threads and I just thought maybe it'd be nice to have a dedicated site. Everyone is putting up with a lot at the moment , and I think this forum supplies a lot of friendship (and some good heated discussions at ti...
Coup Droit
I wondered if anyone here played padel at all? Im thinking of giving it a go. I played decent relatively high club tennis (Yorkshire and Middlesex league to around 2nd or 3rd division) and squash (county junior under 16) but stopped playing it at all around 25 years ago and havent picked up a racket of an...
JonH comes home
Unfair Play Sharron DAvies
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I urge anyone with an interest in Women's sport to buy or borrow this book. Fully researched and absolutely shocking
Flash floods in Spain
With at least 62 people now reported to have been killed in the south east of the country (the Valencia region has been worst affected) & more than a year's worth of rainfall in eight hours, the situation sounds pretty grim. I hope...
General election/politics
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Given that a few posts have popped up in various threads on the general election, I thought it deserved it's own thread on the chat section. The Tories surprisingly got in with a small majority and every other leader in parliament resigned, so it will be same as for the next 5 years. IMHO the reason why th...
Tennis books
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I thought this might be a topic others might contribute to. I am sure many of us enjoy tennis books. Im always keen for a good recommendation so I thought this might be a thread some people could note down and recommend books theyve read for others. I took delivery today of a book called Bjorn Borg and th...
JonH comes home
CD Goes To Bonnie Scotland !
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Ok, it's a quiet day before mega US Open kick-off tomorrow So.... I've lived on this planet for quite a few (!) decades now Born and bred in the UK BUT I'VE NEVER BEEN TO SCOTLAND (I'm a true southerner - Oxford is the Midlands, as far as I'm concerned, and Birmingham is practically on the S...
Coup Droit
Perseid meteor shower 7 July - 24 August 2024 - Peak 12-13 August
The Perseid (Per-see-id) meteor shower is one of the highlights of many meteor hunters calendars due to its high hourly rate and bright meteors, caused by the Earth slamming into the debris left behind by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle in July and August every year. It is called the Perseids because the me...
Andrew Murray Message Board ?
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I know this lovely place really started mainly about Andy but as has been said before, and as raised again with me, we are a British tennis board so the link to Andy does seem well out of date. Especially now with Emma around. But largely because we are and want to be seen ae being about all of British tennis...
John Hunt - Crossbow attack
I was shocked to read that the 3 victims of the crossbow attack near Bushey is the wife and 2 daughters of John Hunt the racing commentator. I am not into horse racing, but if you ever listen to commentary on Radio 5, John Hunt does the commentary and is regarded as the best in the business. I dont know the s...
JonH comes home
Dietary Advice
OK. I am suffering from a bit of gout at the moment. My feet keep swelling up and they have to inject me with steroids to take the swelling down. I have now been banned from eating the following: Red meats and game (boar, venison, hare, rabbit), organ meats (gizzards, kidneys, liver, brain), white fis...
Bob in Spain